It’s Safe to Feel Here

You are safe here | Emotions & the Body

You are safe to feel here. I know it feels like you might not make it through the next breath - or that the pain will catch and hold you stuck. I know it feels like it’s too big to be here or to be witnessed. I know it feels like there’s not enough space here for the dark, heavy, body-crushing aching.

I want you to know that this body you are in - is here for you.

It is here to respond to, support and be the space for you to fully be here - all of you. The aches and stiffness - sometimes that happens when we’ve decided our emotions are too much to release. In response to your un-readiness to release them, your beautiful, powerful, loving body holds them for you. It will hold them for you until you are ready. It will hold you where you are today.

The anxiety, the panic-attacks, the restless nights - they are hard yes and also they are your body. Your body is your partner and companion here - it is here for you. When you are ready - it will be with you as you release what hurts because that’s what your body is here to do - move emotions through so we can get the messages and feel peace again.

Your body is always inviting you into rest and repose.

Emotions are energy in motion. Your body was made for this. Your body was designed to process through emotions - all of them. Your body was created to move through happiness, joy, pain, fear, shock, sadness, laughter, excitement - every emotion belongs here.

Every emotion has it’s own frequency. The ones we humans judge as acceptable: happiness, joy, excitement, giddyness, wonder, curiosity - those ones flow on through. The ones we’ve judged as unacceptable or too much or too hard: sadness, heartbreak, grief, worry, anger, rage…those are the ones we try to control as they move in. Guess what? We don’t have to control those ones either - your body can handle this.

What is possible when we let ourselves feel the feelings?

When emotions are free to be as they are, their frequency will move into and through our bodies. When we judge them, try to “why do I feel this way?” them, access their acceptability, decide if they are worthy or not…they get stuck, they get left behind. If they haven’t been able to move through - the body carries them. And that’s okay.

You are okay. You are not broken. You have some emotions that feel or felt too big to be released - that’s all.

Here, in this space. You are safe.

If you are in transition where you have come aware that you are in pain - or something is just off and you want to feel differently - you are safe here. Your body will support you through this transition - it will give you the signals and what needs to come up will come up. We don’t have to dig anymore.

We can choose forward.

You can know that something feels off - and accept that. You are okay feeling that something is messy - or that something is devastating. From that space there is possibility. That space is where you get to decide how you want to feel next. “I want to feel love.” “I want to feel peace.” “I want to feel ease.” “I want to sleep again.” We get to want and allow ourselves to do so. When we do and we choose what we want next - what needs to rise, be witnessed and released will rise. What needs to be heard, will be heard - your body has that all taken care of. You can trust your body. The universe will respond with triggers and synchronicities through your body that will make your next steps clear.

It’s okay to wish it was different.

Sometimes in the wishing, we find acceptance of what is. Allow yourself to wish and dream. Feel what it feels like to have what you want - that peace you feel in the wishing?? That PEACE is possible. The FEELINGS we reveal in the wishing are possible - sometimes the “how” isn’t what we can imagine yet, but the wishing will show you how you want to feel here today. The wishing will clear the path because it will reveal what needs to be released - sometimes that’s control, sometimes it’s releasing the belief that you have to hold it all together. (You don’t).

I can’t do it alone.

I know what it feels like to be lost and not sure what step to take next. I can show you the trailheads and you can choose to explore them. I can show you what’s possible for you and you can explore your life safely while being supported in community or one-on-one guidance. I can show you how you can feel safe in your body again. I can offer you exercises you can love all your feelings again. I can be with you as you transition to where you are into what you want next. I can help you clear the fog and lift the veil so you can see yourself again. I can help you remember what you already know.

Your pain, your aches, your anger, your joy, your curiosity - all of it belongs.

All of it is here to move through your body and bring you back to yourself. Your body is your co-creation partner of your life. It is here for the full-expression of who you are.

This is a safe space and you belong here.

No one belongs here more than you.

~Brene Brown


Blogs and Posts | What’s the Point? | Free Workshop | December 5 2021


You Get to be Ok